WG1: Production of sugars as platforms molecules
Yoram Gerchman
Oranim college (and University of Haifa), Israel
Production of sugars as platform molecules is one of the most promising biotechnological routes for the valorization of organic wastes or lignocellulosic substrates. In this sense, during the last two decades, significant advances have been made in the development of more efficient and cheaper enzymatic catalysts. Notwithstanding, there are still opportunities to achieve significant progress that will lead to increased performance and productivity and, therefore, to the reduction of the costs of the production of sugars.
The organic residues are composed by different types of polysaccharides whose enzymatic hydrolysis releases a set of sugars including glucose, galacturonic acid, arabinose, galactose, rhamnose, xylose, mannose, etc., which can be transformed in bioproducts. When non-conventional yeasts, able to utilize a wide range of sugars, are available, the optimization of the release of all these kinds of sugars is of utmost importance.
The main objective of this WG is to maximize sugar production with the minimum requirements of enzyme loading for their further conversion into bioproducts. To reach the objective, newly isolated enzymes and recombinant enzymes will be tested. Furthermore, new enzymatic cocktails will be formulated and the addition of accessory enzymes will be assessed.
Specific Tasks of WG1 are:
To prepare enzymatic hydrolysis tests of representative substrates (lignocellulose, food waste and agri-food residues) with different enzymatic activities (cellulases, β-glucanases, xylanases, pectinases, amylases, etc.)
To evaluate the addition of accessory enzymes
To evaluate the necessity of a pretreatment step to favor the enzymatic hydrolysis of different raw materials
Country | Participant | Role | Institution of affiliation | |
Albania | Vilma Gurazi | MC member | vgurazi@ubt.edu.al | Agricultural University of Tirana |
Austria | Alexander Zwirzitz | Participant | alexander.zwirzitz@fh-wels.at | University of Applied Sciences of Upper Austria |
Belgium | Iris Cornet | WG1 Leader/MC member | iris.cornet@uantwerpen.be | Universiteit Antwerpen |
Begium | Fickers Patrick | MC Member | pfickers@uliege.be | Université de Liege - Gembloux Agro-BioTech |
Belgium | Sofie de Maeseneire | MC substitute | sofie.demaeseneire@ugent.be | Ghent University |
Begium | Sofie Lodens | Participant | sofie.lodens@bbeu.org | Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant |
Belgium | David Canella | Participant | david.cannella@ulb.ac.be | Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Begium | Zsófia Kádár | Participant | zsofia.kadar@bbeu.org | Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant |
Bulgaria | Nikolay Yavorov | MC member | nyavorof@gmail.com | University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy |
Croatia | Ana Vrsalović Presečki | MC member | avrsalov@fkit.hr | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology |
Czech Republic | Hana Sychrova | ITC- Conference Manager/MC member | hana.sychrova@fgu.cas.cz | Department of Membrane Transport, Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences |
Czech Republic | Vladimir Kren | MC member | kren@biomed.cas.cz | Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences |
Denmark | César Fonseca | MC member | csf@bio.aau.dk | Aalborg University |
Estonia | Karl Peebo | Participant | karl.peebo@fibenol.com | Fibenol |
Finland | Anna Kankaanpää | Participant | anna.kankaanpaa@st1.fi | St1 Oy |
Finland | Ulla Moilanen | MC member | ulla.moilanen@hamk.fi | Häme University of Applied Sciences |
Germany | Mehmet Gazaloglu | Participant | mgazaloglu@jacobs-university.de | Jacobs University Bremen |
Greece | George Aggelis | MC member | george.aggelis@upatras.gr | University of Patras |
Hungary | Csaba Fehér | Science Com. Manager/MC member | csaba_feher@mail.bme.hu | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Hungary | Soma Bedő | MC member | bedo12@gmail.com | Budapest University of Technology and Economics |
Iceland | Hjörleifur Einarsson | MC member | hei@unak.is | University of Akureyri |
Ireland | Gaurav Rajauria | MC member | gaurav.rajauria@ucd.ie | UCD Lyons Research Farm |
Israel | Aharon Gedanken | MC member | gedanken@mail.biu.ac.il | Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel |
Israel | Yoram Gerchman | WG1 Vice-Leader/MC member | gerchman.yoram@gmail.com | Oranim college (and University of Haifa) |
Luxembourg | Magdalena Calusinska | WG6 Leader/MC member | magdalena.calusinska@list.lu | Luxembourg Institute of Science and technology |
North Macedonia | Irina Mladenoska | MC member | irinaetf@mt.net.mk | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy |
Norway | Volha Shapaval | MC member | volha.shapaval@nmbu.no | Norwegian University of Life Sciences |
Portugal | Susana Marques | STSM-coordinator/MC member | susana.marques@lneg.pt | LNEG - Bioenergy Unit |
Portugal | Elisabete Coelho | Participant | ecoelho@ua.pt | University of Aveiro |
Serbia | Vesna Vucurovic | Participant | vvvesna@uns.ac.rs | Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad |
Serbia | Ružica Tomičić | MC member | ruzica.tomicic@yahoo.com | Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad |
Serbia | Zorana Rončević | MC member | ron@uns.ac.rs | Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad |
Slovakia | Martin Rebroš | MC member | martin.rebros@stuba.sk | Slovak University of Technology |
Slovakia | Katarína Šuchová | MC member | katarina.suchova@savba.sk | Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia |
Slovakia | Peter Biely | Participant | Peter.Biely@savba.sk | Slovak Academy of Sciences |
Slovenia | Nina Gunde-Cimerman | MC member | nina.gunde-cimerman@bf.uni-lj.si | University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Dept. Biology |
Slovenia | Cene Gostinčar | MC substitute | cene.gostincar@bf.uni-lj.si | University of Ljubljana |
Spain | Elia Tomás | Chair | elia.tomas@imdea.org | IMDEA Energy Institute |
Spain | Eulogio Castro | Participant | ecastro@ujaen.es | University of Jaén |
Spain | Antonio David Moreno | WG6 Vice-Leader/MC member | david.moreno@ciemat.es | Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas |
Spain | Lourdes Martínez | MC substitute | lcartas@ujaen.es | University of Jaén |
Spain | María Isabel González Siso | Participant | migs@udc.es | Universidade da Coruña |
Spain | David Ibarra | Participant* | ibarra.david@inia.es | Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria |
Sweden | Volkmar Passoth | WG2 Leader/MC member | volkmar.passoth@slu.se | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Molecular Sciences |
Sweden | Lisbeth Olsson | WG4 Leader/MC member | lisbeth.olsson@chalmers.se | Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering |
Sweden | Charilaos Xiros | Participant | charilaos.xiros@processum.se | RISE Processum AB |
Turkey | Pinar Çalık | Participant* | pcalik@metu.edu.tr | Middle East Technical University |
UK | Vinod Kumar | Participant | Vinod.Kumar@cranfield.ac.uk | Cranfield University |