WG1: Production of sugars as platforms molecules

Iris Cornet

Iris Cornet


Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium


Yoram Gerchman

Yoram Gerchman


Oranim college (and University of Haifa), Israel



Production of sugars as platform molecules is one of the most promising biotechnological routes for the valorization of organic wastes or lignocellulosic substrates. In this sense, during the last two decades, significant advances have been made in the development of more efficient and cheaper enzymatic catalysts. Notwithstanding, there are still opportunities to achieve significant progress that will lead to increased performance and productivity and, therefore, to the reduction of the costs of the production of sugars.

The organic residues are composed by different types of polysaccharides whose enzymatic hydrolysis releases a set of sugars including glucose, galacturonic acid, arabinose, galactose, rhamnose, xylose, mannose, etc., which can be transformed in bioproducts. When non-conventional yeasts, able to utilize a wide range of sugars, are available, the optimization of the release of all these kinds of sugars is of utmost importance.


The main objective of this WG is to maximize sugar production with the minimum requirements of enzyme loading for their further conversion into bioproducts. To reach the objective, newly isolated enzymes and recombinant enzymes will be tested. Furthermore, new enzymatic cocktails will be formulated and the addition of accessory enzymes will be assessed.

Specific Tasks of WG1 are:

  • To prepare enzymatic hydrolysis tests of representative substrates (lignocellulose, food waste and agri-food residues) with different enzymatic activities (cellulases, β-glucanases, xylanases, pectinases, amylases, etc.)

  • To evaluate the addition of accessory enzymes

  • To evaluate the necessity of a pretreatment step to favor the enzymatic hydrolysis of different raw materials


CountryParticipantRoleE-mailInstitution of affiliation
AlbaniaVilma GuraziMC membervgurazi@ubt.edu.alAgricultural University of Tirana
AustriaAlexander ZwirzitzParticipantalexander.zwirzitz@fh-wels.atUniversity of Applied Sciences of Upper Austria
BelgiumIris CornetWG1 Leader/MC memberiris.cornet@uantwerpen.beUniversiteit Antwerpen
BegiumFickers PatrickMC Memberpfickers@uliege.beUniversité de Liege - Gembloux Agro-BioTech
BelgiumSofie de MaeseneireMC substitutesofie.demaeseneire@ugent.beGhent University
BegiumSofie LodensParticipantsofie.lodens@bbeu.orgBio Base Europe Pilot Plant
BelgiumDavid CanellaParticipantdavid.cannella@ulb.ac.be
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
BegiumZsófia KádárParticipantzsofia.kadar@bbeu.orgBio Base Europe Pilot Plant
BulgariaNikolay YavorovMC membernyavorof@gmail.comUniversity of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
CroatiaAna Vrsalović PresečkiMC memberavrsalov@fkit.hrUniversity of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Czech RepublicHana SychrovaITC- Conference Manager/MC memberhana.sychrova@fgu.cas.czDepartment of Membrane Transport, Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences
Czech RepublicVladimir KrenMC memberkren@biomed.cas.czInstitute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
DenmarkCésar FonsecaMC membercsf@bio.aau.dkAalborg University
EstoniaKarl PeeboParticipantkarl.peebo@fibenol.comFibenol
FinlandAnna KankaanpääParticipantanna.kankaanpaa@st1.fiSt1 Oy
FinlandUlla MoilanenMC memberulla.moilanen@hamk.fiHäme University of Applied Sciences
GermanyMehmet GazalogluParticipantmgazaloglu@jacobs-university.deJacobs University Bremen
GreeceGeorge AggelisMC membergeorge.aggelis@upatras.grUniversity of Patras
HungaryCsaba FehérScience Com. Manager/MC membercsaba_feher@mail.bme.huBudapest University of Technology and Economics
HungarySoma BedőMC memberbedo12@gmail.comBudapest University of Technology and Economics
IcelandHjörleifur EinarssonMC memberhei@unak.isUniversity of Akureyri
IrelandGaurav RajauriaMC membergaurav.rajauria@ucd.ieUCD Lyons Research Farm
IsraelAharon GedankenMC membergedanken@mail.biu.ac.ilBar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
IsraelYoram Gerchman WG1 Vice-Leader/MC membergerchman.yoram@gmail.comOranim college (and University of Haifa)
LuxembourgMagdalena CalusinskaWG6 Leader/MC membermagdalena.calusinska@list.luLuxembourg Institute of Science and technology
North MacedoniaIrina MladenoskaMC memberirinaetf@mt.net.mk Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
NorwayVolha ShapavalMC membervolha.shapaval@nmbu.noNorwegian University of Life Sciences
PortugalSusana MarquesSTSM-coordinator/MC membersusana.marques@lneg.ptLNEG - Bioenergy Unit
PortugalElisabete CoelhoParticipantecoelho@ua.ptUniversity of Aveiro
SerbiaVesna VucurovicParticipantvvvesna@uns.ac.rsFaculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
SerbiaRužica TomičićMC memberruzica.tomicic@yahoo.comFaculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad
SerbiaZorana RončevićMC memberron@uns.ac.rsFaculty of Technology Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad
SlovakiaMartin RebrošMC membermartin.rebros@stuba.skSlovak University of Technology
SlovakiaKatarína ŠuchováMC memberkatarina.suchova@savba.skInstitute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
SlovakiaPeter BielyParticipantPeter.Biely@savba.skSlovak Academy of Sciences
SloveniaNina Gunde-CimermanMC membernina.gunde-cimerman@bf.uni-lj.siUniversity of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Dept. Biology
SloveniaCene GostinčarMC substitutecene.gostincar@bf.uni-lj.siUniversity of Ljubljana
SpainElia TomásChairelia.tomas@imdea.orgIMDEA Energy Institute
SpainEulogio CastroParticipantecastro@ujaen.esUniversity of Jaén
SpainAntonio David MorenoWG6 Vice-Leader/MC memberdavid.moreno@ciemat.esCentro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas
SpainLourdes MartínezMC substitutelcartas@ujaen.esUniversity of Jaén
SpainMaría Isabel González SisoParticipantmigs@udc.esUniversidade da Coruña
SpainDavid IbarraParticipant*ibarra.david@inia.esInstituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria
SwedenVolkmar PassothWG2 Leader/MC membervolkmar.passoth@slu.seSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Molecular Sciences
SwedenLisbeth OlssonWG4 Leader/MC memberlisbeth.olsson@chalmers.seChalmers University of Technology, Department of Biology and Biological Engineering
SwedenCharilaos XirosParticipantcharilaos.xiros@processum.se
RISE Processum AB
TurkeyPinar Çalık Participant*pcalik@metu.edu.trMiddle East Technical University
UKVinod KumarParticipantVinod.Kumar@cranfield.ac.ukCranfield University